Galloper Thompson

Monday 29 October 2018

Thompson was a loyal soldier to Jon Jarl. He grew up on Jorvik, presumably in Jarlahiem. No one knows his exact date of birth as some of his history is not recorded, due to him being branded a traitor so all records of him were destroyed. However, I believe Thompson was framed for something he didn't commit.

For Thompson he grew up in a military family. His father being a soldier too. Thompson was expected to enlist in the forces when he was old enough. He worked as a stableboy at Jorvik Stables, cleaning and tending to the horses and that's where he met a Jorvik Wild Horse filly. The filly was timid and didn't trust humans but took a shine to Thompson. This horse would eventually be his war horse, Hell's Fire. The commander of the stables was impressed with Thompson's bonding with the filly and gifted the horse to him. 

On a stormy night and accident befell the Thompson household. His father was killed when he was just seventeen. There had been a fault with one of the canons on the battlements his father was helping to prepare, and the backfire sent his father over the wall and to his death. Thompson was then called to arms.

Training hard and proving himself seemed a daunting task for Galloper, but he had looked up to his father who had been a captain until his untimely death. He fought in all the battles that Jarl's Army was part of, helping claim victory. There was one battle he wouldn't forget easily. When a giant tentacled being rose up from the murky depths of the ocean to try and destroy Jorvik. Thompson fought bravely until that eras Soul Rider Sisterhood helped lock the evil away. An evil we now know as Garnok.

This creature had been set free by someone and by someone I mean Mr Sands. Of course, being the cunning fox he was, Sands pinned the blame on a loyal soldier claiming that Thompson had planned this from the beginning. Thompson was innocent, but he knew Sands had been a trusted informant to the army and his word was taken over his own. So, Thompson fled to The Valley of The Hidden Dinosaur.

He would spend the next few years living in exile. Even though he knew he was innocent, his people thought he had been the one to release Garnok. It wasn't long until he was found and brought back to Jarlahiem. He was found guilty, but Aideen seemed to be watching over him. Before setting his head on the executioners block, he bellowed these words: "This day you have executed the wrong man. I won't rest, instead I will ride free on All Hallows Eve, punishing those who do wrong. For you have condemned an innocent man to death." With that, he placed his head down, looking away from his wife and children. With a swing of the axe, Thompson was beheaded.

True to his word, he stood up. Screams filled the air, and the sound of a demonic neigh drowned them out. Hell's Fire galloped up to her rider, and he mounted up. He snatched a torch from a bystander who fainted in shock. "Consider my presence as an omen of death." Thompson's ghostly voice echoed in the night. He visited his Commanding Officer first, the one who had ordered his execution and took his soul to Galloper's Keep.

Every year during October, Thompson rides to find new victims. However his power is weaker and he is no longer able to take lives but make his victims pass out. He presence is still considered a bad omen. So keep an eye out.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I love this blog so much.
I have somthing importent.
You know Yris race right were he turns you into one of 5 horses. Well there is a welsh pony that is nightdust and next to it there is galloper thomas horse, golden lustino from the main story quests and Zee yet again from the main story quests. The last horse is a turquise connemara, I belive that horse will have a purpose later in the game.

LeiaKiss said...

This blog is amazing. Please post more in the future! What do you think about Avalon's vision? Some people believe it to be the yeti, or a dinosaur. I believe a dinosaur would be kinda out of the story. Also the teeth-like opening with weirds sounds outside in Dino Valley, has the same type of swirl portal like the one on Dark Core's base. What do you think about the hatch doors?

Pandoria Productions said...

Hey guys thanks for your input. I'm currently doing a Christmas special but I am going to touch on the hatch doors, Avalon's vision and the Connemara in the new year. Please feel free to subscribe to my YouTube, where I post videos of my theories, questlines and horse buying. I plan to update this as soon as I can. Lots of love!

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