Other Humanoids in Pandoria?

Monday 6 August 2018
Other Humanoids in Pandoria

The last quests had me thinking. We now know that Ydris is Pandorian as he tells us it's his home world. We also know that Evergrey had encountered Pandorians like Ydris during his travels, but and I quote "fewer than I would have liked". This made me think that at one point, before Garnok was banished to Pandoria, that human creature once flourished on the beauty of Pandoria. Firstly, we're going to have to go back before the defeat of Garnok, and way before the story of Jorvik even began.

Pandoria was much like earth, but possessed all sorts of unique magic and time wasn't an issue there. That is to say, it never existed. Pandoria is a place were up is down, and reality is unreality. Think of it like Alice in Wonderland but on steroids. The world has floating continents, flying stingrays and creatures that feed off the darkness. Plants and fungi grow to colossal size and crystal grows everywhere. Its like a dream and a nightmare all rolled into one. The people of Pandoria were happy and peaceful, and didn't want to cause any real or lasting damage to its sister planet called earth. They would try and heal any cracks from their world to earth as to keep balance in check. For what spills from one world into another could spell disaster. 

The people of Pandoria had immortal lives. Well immortal compared to those living on earth. As time wasn't a thing neither was aging, and they would stop when they would reach their mid to late 20s. However, they were wise and used their knowledge to help others. This wouldn't last for long.

When Fripp had to lock Garnok away he had to make a choice between destroying earth and making Pandoria a desolate place. Being close friends with Aideen, and seeing what the humans were capable of he chose to imprison Garnok in Pandoria. This infuriated his kind, and thus earned him banishment from Pandoria. A battle raged on Pandoria which would last for years. This war all but wiped out Ydris' race. 

This is why there aren't as many human like creatures seen in Pandoria. Knowing Garnok still lurks in the shadows, they dare not come out of hiding. This is why we do not see them. Evergrey might have seen them, but we do not know if he actually spoke to them or not. They are still recovering from a long battle that left them physically and mentally drained. Ydris seems to think it is earth's fault his home is in ruin, and would rather see Garnok destroy earth as an act of revenge other than doing the right thing, what he was raised to do, and help save another planet from total destruction. 

However, Ydris did give our character the last five leafed clover with enough magic for a wish. So maybe, in his own way, he wants to help and see Garnok defeated. I don't believe Ydris is evil, I just think he's still upset and angry having to watch his people die and suffer while he fled to earth. If you put yourself in his situation, you can understand his frustrations. 


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