Ancestral Roots

Friday 22 February 2019

Are the Children of Aideen the Soul Riders' Ancestors?

Have you wondered why the Soul Riders always look similar to each other? Why it always seems to be the same four girls? Well we are going to look at that today. Every family has it's bloodline and the line of the Soul Riders is no different. So sit back and relax, grab some snacks and a drink and let's dive right in!

When Aideen brought life to Jorvik, she also had a feeling that some sort of Darkness would soon follow. Aideen cam from a realm similar to Pandoria but due to the sun of her planet dying, she came to earth to find a new home. She had visited Pandoria when she saw a new arrival on her island that she had never met before.

She spent sometime in Pandoria falling for this charming Pandorian, and eventually marrying him. She soon fell pregnant with her first child, Levene who would bare the company magic of the Lightning. Each child born had special gifts inherited from their parents. However, when their fifth child was born, that child was born with all four gifts. Knowing this, Aideen's husband fled Jorvik to keep their fifth daughter safe. This pained Aideen and her other daughters. Levene, the eldest had to comfort her sisters, as they would never get to see or spend their childhood with their youngest sibling.

The sisters grew but never forgot how their sister was taken from them. They used this to fight for Jorvik, and as the population grew, they had more reason to protect the earth. They all soon had their own children, and passed their leadership onto their offspring.

As all family trees go, branches head off from the main trunk. There were only a handful of times the Sisterhood were needed, but even then they didn't know of their heritage. They just fought for Aideen and for the earth, taking their place as the true leaders of their Circles. Some descendants of the original Soul Riders moved to different countries to start a new life, which would explain why Lisa comes from America and why Linda was originally from Pakistan.

Each Soul Rider has a mark of their power. For example, Lisa's is a star on her right cheek, and Alex's is a lightning bolt on the palm of her right hand. They are faint to begin with, but when they are brought together they become more recognisable.

The Soul Riders were never told of them being the descendants of Aideen's children, but over time the Druids forgot, and the only one who knows the truth is Fripp himself. Of course, he keeps this information to himself, to protect the Soul Riders and to keep their enemy in the dark.  One day, Fripp may tell them, but only when he feels like they are ready to know the truth. It could be a while, but he will tell them.


Izabella Nightdawn said...

Hello! I love this theory and would love to make a video on it. With credit, would I be able to use this idea in my video? I totally understand if not.

Thanks in advance!

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