What Did Avalon's Vision Mean?

Wednesday 19 December 2018

What Did Avalon's Vision Mean?

Avalon's vision was a disturbing one. So much so, it even frightened him. Well he's always been on edge but that's besides the point. What if there's another threat besides Garnok? One that lurks within the icy wastelands of the Valley of The Hidden Dinosaur. This is what we are discussing today. Keep in mind that this is just what I think, so leave your thoughts in the comments, I try and read them all. 

The Kallters left in a hurry when we went to check up on them, but why? As they left through the Icen Gate, a terrible roar split through the chilling air of the Valley. Some may have dismissed it as wind passing through icicles, making it sound like a monster's roar. However, I don't think that's the case. There is something within the icy plain that has baffled scientists and Druids alike for centuries, maybe even before the time of Jon Jarl. There are a few possibilities of what the creature might be; a Yeti, Bigfoot, a Liopleurodon and the Ice Witch. Some of these are up for debate, but I'm guessing its two of the four. 

That's right I'm thinking a Liopleurodon may have survived somehow, and that somehow could be a descendant of the first Ice Witch. Witches don't live forever as some people speculate, but they do pass on their knowledge and skills to their offspring. I do not think the Ice Witch is evil, as Linda has stated there are kind-hearted witches living among us, that want to protect and not destroy. I'm thinking this Ice Witch is quite young, and accidently set the monster free while performing a ritual to keep it incased in it's icy prison. The Ice Witch may have a realm all to herself, only emerging when she need supplies for her craft. That realm is the portal behind the structure that looks like a monster's jaw in Icendell.

The reason it looks the way it does, it to protect anyone in Jorvik from the potential threat. I'm guessing there are powerful enchantments to stop anything from getting in or out, accept the Witch, cast upon this gateway. From the way it sounds, it's likely Pandorian magic, so maybe the Witch is another Pandorian like Ydris, and like her family before her, has fought to protect the humans. However, her ritual went wrong, causing the monster to escape into Dino Valley, and she's in desperate need of help. I don't think the Liopleurodon is your run of the mill dinosaur. I reckon its a creature from Pandoria, but unlike Garnok, it was born in the realm of pink. 

Now escaped, the creature thirsts for destruction. It was once created to protect and alert Pandorians of any cracks that appeared, so they could close them. However, it soon grew tired of it's masters and turned on them. A family stepped forward and imprisoned the creature in rare blue Pandorian crystal, and took it to Dino Valley where they proceeded to encase the creature in ice sealed with ancient runes and spells. The ritual to keep the creature contained would have to be renewed once every one hundred years. The Ice Witches lived in isolation, but befriended the Kallter and told them about the monstrosity they kept imprisoned in Jorvik. The Kallters had seen them cast a sort of looking glass spell so they could see and hear what went on during that fight, as the Witch explained. The Kallter grew fearful of the monster and quite right to, which lead to the construction of the Icen Gate to protect themselves. 

With the ritual being a failure, due to the mistake of the current Ice Witch, the monster the Kallter have feared has broken free, and slipped through the spells of the gateway. Now free, it plans to terrorize all that know of it's existence. It remains to be seen if the new Ice Witch has the power to pull off what her ancestors did many centuries ago in her homeland of Pandoria. 



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