Ancestral Roots

Friday 22 February 2019

Are the Children of Aideen the Soul Riders' Ancestors?

Have you wondered why the Soul Riders always look similar to each other? Why it always seems to be the same four girls? Well we are going to look at that today. Every family has it's bloodline and the line of the Soul Riders is no different. So sit back and relax, grab some snacks and a drink and let's dive right in!

When Aideen brought life to Jorvik, she also had a feeling that some sort of Darkness would soon follow. Aideen cam from a realm similar to Pandoria but due to the sun of her planet dying, she came to earth to find a new home. She had visited Pandoria when she saw a new arrival on her island that she had never met before.

She spent sometime in Pandoria falling for this charming Pandorian, and eventually marrying him. She soon fell pregnant with her first child, Levene who would bare the company magic of the Lightning. Each child born had special gifts inherited from their parents. However, when their fifth child was born, that child was born with all four gifts. Knowing this, Aideen's husband fled Jorvik to keep their fifth daughter safe. This pained Aideen and her other daughters. Levene, the eldest had to comfort her sisters, as they would never get to see or spend their childhood with their youngest sibling.

The sisters grew but never forgot how their sister was taken from them. They used this to fight for Jorvik, and as the population grew, they had more reason to protect the earth. They all soon had their own children, and passed their leadership onto their offspring.

As all family trees go, branches head off from the main trunk. There were only a handful of times the Sisterhood were needed, but even then they didn't know of their heritage. They just fought for Aideen and for the earth, taking their place as the true leaders of their Circles. Some descendants of the original Soul Riders moved to different countries to start a new life, which would explain why Lisa comes from America and why Linda was originally from Pakistan.

Each Soul Rider has a mark of their power. For example, Lisa's is a star on her right cheek, and Alex's is a lightning bolt on the palm of her right hand. They are faint to begin with, but when they are brought together they become more recognisable.

The Soul Riders were never told of them being the descendants of Aideen's children, but over time the Druids forgot, and the only one who knows the truth is Fripp himself. Of course, he keeps this information to himself, to protect the Soul Riders and to keep their enemy in the dark.  One day, Fripp may tell them, but only when he feels like they are ready to know the truth. It could be a while, but he will tell them.

The Lightning Circle

Thursday 21 February 2019

The Lightning Circle

The Lightning Circle is the most unpredictable circle. Members of the Lightning are warriors and fight on the front line. They may be the most unpredictable of the Four Circles but they protect what is close to them. They are the only Circle with the most offensive spells in their arsenal, being the soldiers of the Druids. The can cast defensive spells too, in order to protect those working on the battlefield. Noted members of this Circle is Alex, the Soul Rider of the Lightning and Rhiannon the Wild Whisperer. 

Levene which means Flash of Lightning, was the original leader of the Lightning Circle. She was strong, determined and always ready to thrust herself into battle. Her courage was unmatched, and her skills with offensive magic had no rival. During the battle for Earth, Aideen put her in charge of the Druid armies to fend off Garnok. Levene always told her Circle to keep the Lightning Striking True, to encourage them and for her members to have faith in her. She was not only good at offensive magic, but she was great in hand to hand combat as well. Her favoured weapon was the sword, as it cut clean and was as deadly as it was beautiful. She always kept one with her, just in case her magic wasn't going to be enough. 

During the battle against Garnok and his Generals, Levene and the Lightning Circle were at the forefront of the fight. Her sister, then head of the Sun Circle, Lene, was on hand ready to imprison Garnok. Fighting the Generals wasn't an easy task, but it was a challenge welcomed by Levene. She loved to be tested, and this would strengthen her powers. The battle was fought, and losses were made either side, but Levene managed to pin down Garnok long enough so Lene could cast him into Pandoria. 

Like her sisters, Levene kept a Grimoire of her spells, battles and day to day life. This book would be passed down to each new Leader of the Lightning Circle. Alex is the Leader of the Lightning now, being the Soul Rider of her Circle, she has been entrusted with her ancestor's book. Besides from learning from the Druids of the Lightning she also learned from these teachings. The values this Circle prizes above all else are courage, determination, bravery, chivalry and nerve. Levene was a fearless warrior and those who are strong with Lightning share these traits. 

To be initiated into the Lightning, a prospective member must pass a endurance and physical test. They must be able to control their emotions, be strong and show no fear when faced with danger. The also must treat every day as if it was their last, carrying a strong heart and being strong for those who don't have the will to do so for themselves. As a member gets deeper into the teachings of the Lightning, they will learn powerful offensive and defensive spells like Soul Strike. The Lightning is the physical might of the Druids, protecting others when they feel weak and fighting for the fate of Earth.


The Moon Circle

Thursday 14 February 2019

The Moon Circle

The members of the Moon Circle bare a unique gift. They have premonitions in dreams that is useful to the Druids. It's mainly visions that predict an enemy move or something that may happen to a friend or fellow Druid. Noted members of this Circle are Linda, the Soul Rider of the Moon and Avalon, Evergray's younger brother. 

Now, let's get onto the history of this mysterious Circle.

Amaris (which means child of the moon), was one of the younger siblings of Aideen's five children. She was kind and humble, and was a keen learner. Not only did she like to learn, but she loved teaching as well. Old and young, she was happy to share her knowledge and wisdom and her sisters always came to her for strategies and plans. Amaris would always be surrounded by books and scrolls, and encouraging her students to learn as much as they could before being thrusted out into the unforgiving world.

During the first battle against Garnok and his Generals, Amaris' gifts were especially needed, more so when they needed the upper hand in a fight. During the war, she would constantly have nightmares of her sisters being wounded, and thanks to her warnings her sisters could avoid this fate. After Garnok was sealed away, Amaris kept her Grimoire up to date of everything that happened. Spells, recipes and diary entries were all kept in this hardback, leather bound book that bore the Moon Circle's symbol. As with the other Circles, her Grimoire was passed down through the leaders.

The current leader of the Moon Circle is Linda, who is also the Moon's Soul Rider and a direct descendant of Amaris. When she was prisoner in the Baroness' castle, Avalon took over leadership until she was rescued. Together with Meteor, they make a strong team aiding a guiding their fellow Soul Riders and Druids. They, like Amaris, are the brains and tacticians of the group, providing guidance and knowledge when needed. 

To be initiated into the Moon Circle, a would be member must have had strong visions before hand. From there, their knowledge and wit will be tested. As they get deeper into the inner circles, their visions become more clearer and somewhat easier to interpret, making communication about their dreams easier to other Druids. Members of the Moon are prized for their knowledge and information. Whenever something needs to be solved, due to Pandorian activity, the Moon is called upon. You can always rely on a member of the Moon Circle for homework help.

Saving Anne: What Will Happen?

Wednesday 6 February 2019

Saving Anne: What Will Happen


With the new Keystone to Pandoria completed, we headed back outside from the Stonecutter's Vault. Our Soul Horse was gone, and we were greeted by Sabine, the Dark Rider that had kidnapped Justin Moorland. We had gotten stronger, but so had she. Sabine attacked us, but our Soul Horse sprang into action and saved us, just in time before we were met with the same fate as our sister, Anne. After running away from the Dark Rider, Alex and Lisa saved us from a terrible fate thanks to Linda's premonition from her powers of the Moon Circle. Alex really wanted to fight, no surprise there but Sabine left before anything could go down.

With Evergrey in tow, we set out to Epona using the Druid portal in Dino Valley. Before the entrance to Guardian's Dale, Lisa told us of a campsite that held importance to the sisterhood. So we stopped there, and asked about Anne. Linda and Lisa told us fond memories of their friend, Alex on the other hand was a but stubborn about her story but in the end admitted she missed Anne, even shedding some tears. As night drew in, Lisa sang her song I'll Be There to us as the fire crackled away. What would be waiting for us the next day?

As we ride into Guardian's Dale, the Soul Riders take up position in front of their statues. Concorde still being a foal was not as disciplined. However, we still have that clover that Ydris gave us, right? So, making the wish that Concorde was a fully grown mare, the magic aged the filly into the age she was before she was killed the first time. Apologizing for her disobedience as a foal, Concorde take her place in front of her statue. With all the statues now glowing, the keystone is placed in front of the destroyed statue, our statue, and opens the doorway to Pandoria and to Anne. Due to our presence, by our I mean us and our Soul Horse, the fifth statue is repaired. Our statue has all four symbols on the horse, and with that the portal opens.

However, the Dark Riders enter Guardians Dale, well they try but because it's protected by Aideen, they are rejected from the Dale, and the next time we see them is at Anne's Prison. We enter Pandoria, with hope, determination and strength.

Thinking we are in the clear, we approach Anne's crystal cage. Concorde starts to remember her past and connects with Anne, determined to free her Soul Rider. As always its never a home run, not when the Dark Riders are there. Jessica, Sabine and Katja intercept us trying to stop us from freeing Anne. Lisa, Linda and Alex enter battle with them, and tell us to help Concorde free Anne. Of course Darko gets in our way. With our powers still awakening, an unconscious bolt of lightning strikes dangerously close to Darko. Alex quickly gives us a quick rundown on how Soul Strike works while shes battling Sabine. Calming our nerves and clearing our mind, we focus on Darko and cast Soul Strike on him. With him frozen in place, this gives us enough time to break the crystal using the Lightning Circle.

Anne is free, but she is one angry Soul Rider. Using her powers from the Sun, she casts them into a deeper part of Pandoria. Lisa and us heal her with magic from the Star Circle as best we can. Concorde is happy to finally have her rider back, and we explain why Concorde is a mare and not a stallion as we return to Valedale.

This battle maybe won, but the war is just beginning. Unbeknownst to Anne, she accidentally sent the Dark Riders to Elise's prison.     

The Sun Circle

Saturday 19 January 2019

The Sun Circle

The Sun Circle are the Druids who have the ability to be in two worlds without an issue. Noted members are Anne, the current Soul Rider of the Sun, Elizabeth Sunbeam and Evergrey. The Sun represents the light of the Druids and represents leadership, which is present with Anne being known as the leader of the Soul Riders. Elizabeth being second in command to Fripp, and Evergrey going off on his own which resulted in him being exiled, but being brought back into the fold after request from Fripp directly.

Lene, which means light of the sun, was the first leader of the Sun Circle, and spent most of her time travelling between Pandoria and teaching on Earth. She would regularly communicate the the Pandorians about new cracks, and portals being seen upon Earth, so they could close them. This was before Garnok was imprisoned in the world of pink, causing the Pandorians to hide after a long fought battle. Lene was present for this battle but fled back to Earth when the Pandorian sickness got too much for her. She taught basic light magic to younger Druids, and helped them on their way to getting into the Inner Circles. Lene also kept a Grimmiore of her travels, spells and life. This was passed down from Sun Leader to Sun Leader, and kept within the home of the current leader under an locking spell, that Dark Magic can't break.

Lene was as fearless as she was kind. She didn't have as potent magic as her sisters from the Star and Lightning, but her powers to open portals and rifts between Pandoria and and Earth was greatly valued. This was a great asset when they were battling Garnok in the first war. Lene was the one to open a portal to Pandoria so Fripp could banish the hideous beast from Earth once and for all, but this got him banished from his homeland. Lene thought it was her fault that Fripp had been exiled from Pandoria, but she was reassured by the Gandalf squirrel that it was for the greater good. After her death, her leadership passed to her daughter.

Anne, in my opinion, is the true leader of the Sun Circle. However, because she is trapped in Pandoria, Elizabeth has been covering leadership. To get initiated into the Sun, you must have great leadership qualities, bravery and determination to help others, and put others before yourself. Members of the Sun will learn to detect Pandoric Portals and cracks, which then they can call upon those with power of the Lightning to close said cracks. When Anne is freed, she will once again take her place as leader and Soul Rider of the Sun. That is, if and when she's freed. 

The Star Circle

Wednesday 16 January 2019
The Star Circle

The Star Circle represents healing within the Druids. There is little information on this Circle, so I'll do my best to bring you what I think is the history of this pure gift of health and healing.

Astra, read more here, was the Head of the Star Circle when she was alive. Like Lisa, she had red hair and pale skin like starlight. She possessed the power to heal wounds and cure sickness, making her a vital asset to her mother's cause. Astra would choose Druids for her Circle based on these following traits: compassion, willingness, heart and medical skill. These are the roots for the members of the Star Circle, which flows within each of its members. Astra, the third youngest of her sisters, had a kind heart and gentle touch which made her great for tending to those in need.

Astra's healing knowledge was taught by her to the younger members of her Circle, even when she became elderly, she was keen to pass on her healing magic and knowledge. She kept her healing potions and spells in her Grimmiore of the Star, each sister had their own book to pass on to the next head of their circle. 

The leader of the Star Circle is now the Soul Rider, Lisa. I believe each Soul Rider is the leader of their Circle in their own right, due to the fact they are the descendants of the children of Aideen. They are the only ones who possess the keys to open the chambers in the Jarl's tomb, which is keeping the important parts of the Light Ceremony book safe. Lisa maybe stubborn at times, but she's a kind an compassionate girl who looks out for her friends and those who need her aid. 

The spells and potions that the Star Circle possesses is vast. Newcomers to the Circle first learn the basic healing spells such as healing a minor wound like a paper cut. Their first potion would be to calm a chesty cough. Once they have mastered basic spell casting and potion making, they will travel deeper into the Secrets of the Star Circle. Once they have reached the Inner Most Circle their training is complete and they will become Druids of the Star Circle. Since Lisa cannot provide tutoring at this moment in time, I believe she has put a worthy Druid in charge. For now.

How Do The Druids Celebrate Christmas?

Thursday 20 December 2018

Do they have their own traditions?

When it comes to this magical time of year, the Druids have their own set of traditions that have roots from when Aideen walked the earth, and traditional Paganism. This may sound confusing to you, but carry on reading and you'll see what I mean.

Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus, but I reckon the Druids use this time of year to celebrate Aideen's arrival on Jorvik and breathing life into the island. As no one know exactly when she came to the island, the Druids used the Winter Solstice and Yuletide to celebrate Aideen's arrival. This is the time of year where everyone is celebrating, more so than any other time of year, so it makes sense the Druids have their celebrations around this time too!

The Druids would celebrate at another Druid's home, feasting, decorating and having fun. Certain plants have magical properties, such as holly as it stays green all year round and symbolises protection. This is also a perfect time to rejuvenate their powers in order to keep fighting Garnok's generals. 

They burn a log like former Pagans, but if a pink spark flickered, it would mean Pandoric energy may seep into our world in the New Year. Gifts being exchanged is the symbol of their unity and trust of each other, and as a sign of friendship.

Each Circle would host a different year, and it would focus on how the celebrate Aideen's. For example, the Star Circle will celebrate Aideen's healing the island and giving it life. The Moon Circle will celebrate the knowledge and gift of visions that the Goddess bestowed upon them. The Lightning Circle would be thankful to Aideen for giving them the strength and power to fight against the evil. Lastly, the Sun Circle would celebrate Aideen's giving them the power to walk between words to keep earth safe. This is to celebrate Aideen's gifts each year, and to remember what she gave to the Druids. Knowledge, Power, Healing and Hope.

Each tradition is celebrated each year focusing on one gift as to not cause a rift between the Circles and keep the harmony between them.