The Star Circle

Wednesday 16 January 2019
The Star Circle

The Star Circle represents healing within the Druids. There is little information on this Circle, so I'll do my best to bring you what I think is the history of this pure gift of health and healing.

Astra, read more here, was the Head of the Star Circle when she was alive. Like Lisa, she had red hair and pale skin like starlight. She possessed the power to heal wounds and cure sickness, making her a vital asset to her mother's cause. Astra would choose Druids for her Circle based on these following traits: compassion, willingness, heart and medical skill. These are the roots for the members of the Star Circle, which flows within each of its members. Astra, the third youngest of her sisters, had a kind heart and gentle touch which made her great for tending to those in need.

Astra's healing knowledge was taught by her to the younger members of her Circle, even when she became elderly, she was keen to pass on her healing magic and knowledge. She kept her healing potions and spells in her Grimmiore of the Star, each sister had their own book to pass on to the next head of their circle. 

The leader of the Star Circle is now the Soul Rider, Lisa. I believe each Soul Rider is the leader of their Circle in their own right, due to the fact they are the descendants of the children of Aideen. They are the only ones who possess the keys to open the chambers in the Jarl's tomb, which is keeping the important parts of the Light Ceremony book safe. Lisa maybe stubborn at times, but she's a kind an compassionate girl who looks out for her friends and those who need her aid. 

The spells and potions that the Star Circle possesses is vast. Newcomers to the Circle first learn the basic healing spells such as healing a minor wound like a paper cut. Their first potion would be to calm a chesty cough. Once they have mastered basic spell casting and potion making, they will travel deeper into the Secrets of the Star Circle. Once they have reached the Inner Most Circle their training is complete and they will become Druids of the Star Circle. Since Lisa cannot provide tutoring at this moment in time, I believe she has put a worthy Druid in charge. For now.


Anonymous said...

Hi! I really like your blog! Also can you upload more please? I really enjoy these posts also can you touch on the circus and give me your thoughts.

Unknown said...

I'm currently covering the circles but I will touch on Ydris and the circus soon x

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