Avalon: Who Is He & Which Circle Is He Part Of?

Tuesday 8 May 2018
Avalon: Who is this Druid?

I know I said I was covering more of Aideen, but with a character as mysterious as Avalon, I couldn't pass up the chance. Avalon is the Druid who lives in Valedale across the river opposite Elizabeth's house. He loves his gardening and grows many herbs scattered throughout the woodland village. He's also a very knowledgeable man but keeps some secrets to himself until we (the descendant of Aideen), are ready to possess such knowledge. We don't know that much about this mysterious Druid, or do we?

We know Avalon is a member of the Keepers of Aideen, and we now know he has been a member since childhood. Unlike his brother, Evergrey, Avalon is a trustworthy and loyal member of the Keepers. He's always willing to help out when he's needed and is a good friend to all.

Being the younger brother of Evergrey, Avalon was kind of envied by his older sibling. He was accused of being their mother's favourite, by abiding by the laws of the Keepers and not going behind Fripp's back to gain more power.

Considering Evergrey might be in his early to late fifties, I believe Avalon is in his late forties at best. Taking in the fact he loves knowledge and sharing his findings with his fellow druids, there is only one circle that fits him best...

That's right guys, the Moon Circle! Given Avalon's vast knowledge and keenness to learn more, I suspect it was the Moon runestone that lit up for him when he was a child. This meant that he was thrown into bookkeeping and hiding secrets from the enemy. His plans are always well thought out, and the advice he gives is second to none. I also believe he is the Moon Circle Leader, given Linda always goes directly to him for anything brain related, and the fact Fripp trusts him no questions asked. So, for me, Avalon grew up around knowledge and scriptures, and even if some of his family were from different circles, or may have only been from one particular for generations, I can see why Avalon's mother may have favoured him so much. He broke tradition by becoming a member of the Moon Circle.

I have a hunch, Evergrey didn't forgive him for breaking this trend, but this will be covered in another blog. I have a feeling that his family may have all been members of the Star Circle, given the number of herbs growing around Valedale which he continues to nurture and look after.  Being a member of the Moon Circle has given him chance to uncover many properties of these herbs which could be made into useful potions and remedies used by the Star Circle.

So now we know a little bit more on Avalon. If you have any suggestions or comments, don't hesitate to reply to this blog. See you soon!


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