Garnok & Devil's Gap

Sunday 18 March 2018

What is in Devil's Gap?

Ever since Jarlahiem opened in 2013, people have been fascinated by what lurks behind the locked gate in Devil's Gap passage. It has had all players theorising about what hides in the gloomy, dark depths of the Gap. Could Garnok be lurking there, or something far more sinister?

What we do know is that the Jarlahiem guard is very frightened of the gate and urges us not open it and keep the doors to Devil's Gap Passage locked up tight. As he says to us; "That gate must always stay closed. Why? Oh, believe me, you don't want to know." So what is there really, to be afraid of in this beautiful, unexplored and mysterious place? Well, to start we are going to have to take a trip down memory lane, all the way back to the Starshine Legacy games.

Fripp, as we know is not of this world. He's from a realm called Pandoria, or so he tells us. He and his colleagues had done battle with a fearsome monster called Garnok. They had him imprisoned and were busy transporting the tentacled being far across the galaxy. However, Garnok's Generals had broken free, causing the ship to crash into the earth and into the seas near Jorvik. I'd would guess this would've happened around the time Aideen first brought life to the once dead island. Give or take a few years, I would say Fripp knew Aideen on a personal level and vowed to protect Jorvik and the world with Aideen, and when Aideen died leaving behind four magical children and one with hidden abilities, (I got this information from Northena's video here). Only Four Soulriders were needed to keep the darkness at bay, until now.

Back to the Gap. I suspect that Devil's Gap is where Garnok is hiding. Due to his colossal size, his main body is still under the ocean, but his tentacles can reach to Devil's Gap. As we cannot see all the way down into the abyss, I think there may be some water still down there even if the land has shifted over hundreds of years. I think Gavin has a link to the Keepers even he forgets he has, which is just as well because it could cause a change in the scales if Mr Sands and his Dark Riders were to ever get a hold of him. 

We know Garnok can at least reach this far as seen in Episode Four of the Starshine Legacy. Alex has a race with Katja, the Nightmare Rider, at Devil's Gap to rescue James. In the race, we can see the tentacles of Garnok trying to stop, or at least slow Alex down so she doesn't win the race. The tentacles spring up from the dark, and fear-inducing pits below. So this could mean the cell holding Garnok is weakening, and at a faster rate than we imagined. 

I do reckon SSO will open Devil's Gap in the future for Soul Rider quests, but I don't think that will be until the big finale. My theory is that Devil's Gap will collapse under the power of Pandoric Energy that is surging throughout Jorvik, and that energy will be the cause to unlock Garnok's prison, with the help from his Generals. With Jorvik and the world in panic, we, the last descendant of Aideen's fifth and most powerful child, must unlock our powers to defeat him. We have already unlocked our Sun and Lightning Circle powers, but in order to keep this monster at bay, we must have Star and Moon Circle lessons as well. 

I believe Garnok is a lot closer than SSO is letting on. I think he is indeed waiting in Devil's Gap, waiting for the perfect time to be released and cause untold choas on the world.

Thank you for reading. Next Theory will be: Aideen, what happened to her fifth child?


Sax said...

How do I get access to the soul rider quests

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