Aideen: What Happened To Her Fifth Child?

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Where Did Our Ancestor Go?

So as explained in my previous entry, (which can be found here), our character the descendant of Aideen's fifth child. Each child inherited specific powers which have been passed down through the female bloodline. The gene that activates a Soul Rider's powers lies dormant until the call is made for the Sisterhood to unite against the darkness. 

Some theory history. I believe that once Aideen first defeated Garnok, she had already had her children. I believe she created them to be leaders of each of the four circles. Moon, for the wisest and tactical of druids. Sun, for those who can stand the pressures of both Pandoria and Earth. Star, for the healers and medicinal practitioners. Finally, Lightning for the true warriors, and those who aren't afraid to fight to keep the peace. The fifth child bore elements of each circle, and Aideen knew this and sent her away to safety. Away from Jorvik, and away from the battle that was to come. 

The original Soul Riders are the daughters of Aideen, and ancestors to Alex, Anne, Lisa and Linda. It makes sense why they all look similar and have lived on Jorvik for so long. Even though we don't know the names of the original four, I think they would've been Levene (flash of lightning), Lene (light of the sun), Amaris (child of the moon) and Astra (from the stars). Levene would've been the only one of her sisters that carried a physical weapon as well as baring the destructive powers of the Lightning Circle. While the other three do have offence magic, it isn't as potent as the Lightning. The other three sisters had their duties. Amaris could see the future, and predict an enemy attack. Astra could heal those gravely injured from the battlefield, and from sickness. And Lene could walk in both worlds without a problem, to fight on both plains. 

By sending the fifth sister away, I believe Amaris had a vision that in the distant future the descendant of that fifth sister would be needed as things would get far too grave for just the Four Soul Riders to handle. The fifth sister was sent to a distant country, let's say Scotland for argument's sake. There, the fifth sister lived out a normal life and had her own children. Each female child carrying the dormant, magical gene. When we were finally born, and when we reached our teens something called us to go to Jorvik. I would say the gene was waking up, due to the huge amounts of chaos Dark Core were unleashing.


As we know our Starter is a Starbreed and contains the magic from each of the four circles which is equal in power. Justin Moorland is a Wild Whisperer, but at the time of out character's meeting with him, even he did not know this. He paired us up with our Starter which had been owned by druids. Even though these druids say they hadn't the funds to care for our horse anymore, I believe Fripp had a good feeling that something magical was happening, and therefore our Starter was sold to us. I also think that Fripp knew we were the descendant of Aideen's fifth daughter but had to be sure and so he had Elizabeth conduct the rune stone tests to see which circle we were connected to. However, when all four stones lit up, Fripp's hopeful suspicions were confirmed. 



Daenera Targaryen 0805 said...

I have other names, all celtics
Alex: Enya
Anne: Eileen
And the our character: Nealie.
This names are mine, well, in my “game “

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